Thursday, November 24, 2011

Infatuation love vs. True love

Infatuation love is equivalent to being head over heels over the person for no apparent reasons. True love is knowing the person inside out and still loving him as much as you do the first time you set eyes on him. 

~Joel Guo

Most of us always get into trouble simply because we think that the infatuation love is our true love. We never try to give our second thought for the infatuation love and just go crazy for the infatuation as it appears to be as true love in the beginning. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines ‘infatuation’ as very strong feelings of love, or attraction for somebody/something, especially when these are unreasonable and do not last long and ‘love’ as a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody/something, especially a member of your family o a friend.

Infatuation is marked by a feeling of insecurity. You are excited and eager, but not genuinely happy. There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and places about your beloved that you would just as soon not examine too closely. Infatuation lacks confidence. When he/she is away you wonder if he/she is cheating. Sometimes you check.

Love is quiet understanding and the mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you to bolster your beloved. You are warmed by his/her presence even when he/she is away. Miles do not separate you. You want him/her nearer, but near or far, you know he/she is yours and you can wait. Love means trust. You are calm, secure and unthreatened. Your beloved feels that also and that makes them even more trustworthy.

Though there is this huge difference between infatuation and true love, many of us are still confused distinguishing infatuation and true love. We know that infatuation does not last long but also many of us gets so emotional and waste their time on unreasonable activities for the person they are infatuated are. When you think that you are in love with a person whom you have met just few times, you are totally wrong. Actually this is the time when you have the infatuation for that particular person. You like that person only when he/she does the things according to you otherwise you don’t like him/her. If you were in true love, you would have loved and like each and every part of him/her and everything he/she does.

Infatuation continues as long as you are with that person you like or attracted with but as soon as distances grows between you and that person slowly you will no longer be attracted to that person or that person will not be of any value for you. But true love strengthens as the distances and separation increases. When you only think of satisfying yourself and making yourself happy then its infatuation, you want to make yourself happy because of the other person. But in true love you always think of other person rather than yourself and try to keep other person happy and you always want to be the reason of other person’s happiness.

You will always ‘fall into’ the infatuation, while you will ‘grow into’ the true love. Infatuation is just for the instance while true love lasts till eternity. But also most of us do the mistakes of following the infatuation and believing that it is true love. In many cases, we can see the victory of infatuation over true love. Infatuation will destroy you and your dreams while true love helps you do better than ever. Infatuation lacks confidence and certainty while love is always elevating. Your head is held high in love. As Ann Landers says ‘Infatuation might lead you to do things you will regret later, but love never will’.

Somewhere it was written: It's so easy to be infatuated with someone but hard to find that someone who will catch you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The GOD really exists, or it’s just our belief?

As to gods, I have no way of knowing either that they exist or do not exist, or what they are like.

All over the world, it is believed that the GOD exists. All the religions in the world follow or worship the gods of their own. I am neither theist nor atheist because sometimes I feel that the god really exists and think that there is no god in this world the other time. This may be the case of many of us. At a point many of us feel that the god is present and a turn will prove them that there is no god at all.

But we can believe that the god exists simply because we believe that the ghosts do exist. As we all know that there is good thing for every bad thing, every dark side has the bright side and likewise for the evil part there must be some angelic side. That’s why many of us believe that the god exists.

Every morning we can see the people worshipping gods according to their religions. Also we can say the people do have faith in god because we see lots of temples, mosques, churches, and other religious institutions. Had not the people have faith in god, there would not be this much of these temples, mosques or churches or other religious institutions.

The other thing to think about is the existence of heaven and hell. Is there a real heaven or hell? It is said that the gods live in heaven and the devils dwell in hell even though nobody has visited those places, came back and share the experience till date. The persons who did good things in their life they live, they go to heaven otherwise straight to hell. I think that this is said to us people just to motivate them to do good deeds in their life and live happily afterlife.

All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours.
-Aldous Huxley

The faith in god just work as the power booster or energizer that encourages people to do better things thinking of having better afterlife. So, it really doesn’t matter if the god really exists or not. It’s us who are supposed to decide whether to believe and have faith in god, the only thing that matters is doing good deeds fearing the god or just making sure the better afterlife. The existence of god might just be our belief!!