Wednesday, December 9, 2015

End is The Beginning

here is no sun in today’s sky, just the clumps of clouds; not those black monsoon clouds bringing heavy rain but the ashen, gloomy winter clouds. The day is lifeless & quiet; not the peaceful quiet but the tormenting quiet, dreadfully quiet or so it seemed. Icy breeze blowing now and then is making the day colder and with leafless trees all around, gray. She was there, standing by her window, still, like a mannequin. Her long golden hair wasn’t brushed for days, her slender fingers were knotted, her bony figure was just as stiff, the long dress had failed to drape her protruding skeleton, her lips were parched with dehydration and her insomniac blue eyes were gazing into the distant horizon of nothingness. Her pallid face was not giving away anything about the thoughts she was having inside her head or the feelings she had in her heart. Her face didn’t illustrate emotions of any kind at all.

It has been days since she had locked herself up in her room. She had kept herself away from the world and its people. She was once the girl who abhorred the thought of forlorn and kept herself surrounded with people. But recently the only friend she has is her solitude and for some reasons she didn’t find it morose instead she now, in a way, enjoyed it. It was today that she had drawn the curtains of her window open after a long time and let the dull daylight enter. She never liked the darkness yet she found the comfort and an ease in the darkness for now she had made peace with it.

She was looking into the outer world after a long time yet she found nothing to feel happy about, nothing to smile at and nothing to get excited about. She couldn’t remember the last time she had smiled or felt the joy and happiness about something. After a while she inhaled and exhaled, slow but elongated breathe. She returned to her bed, sat on the edge, looking down at her skinny fingers which were still knotted. She had left the curtains still open, forgot to draw them close or left them open deliberately that only she knows. She sat there, in the same manner for some more minutes, and then she rose, opened the door and left her room.

Minutes passed, then hours. The world was slowly being engulfed with the darkness of the moon less night and so was her room. It was getting colder. Suddenly the room was alighted; somebody had turned on the light. It was her. She was back. Looking so different than when she left. She had showered, changed and went out to get the groceries. She was in her room with her black mug of steaming coffee. She settled her mug on the side table and reached for her notebook and favorite pen on the study table which had been lying there for days, untouched and covered with thin layer of dust. She opened both, her notebook and pen, took a sip of coffee and started writing, ‘There was no sun in today’s sky

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

25th April 2015

just another regular day
lives are normal
and suddenly
there are shakes
terrible shakes
like the thunderstorms
underneath the ground
people running around
like the swarm
buzzing bees
building are swaying
like the leaves
in the wind
everything came toppling down
into nothing
but the heap of rubble
debris of concrete
it's chaos
frightened voices
crys and screams
agonized in pain
lost & terrified
wounded body
shaken souls
and within a minute
the day is no more
just the regular day
thousands of beautiful
lives were lost
cities and villages were destructed
monuments were gone
the day marked itself
in the calendar
its a historical day
25th of April 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dark Inside!

an utter silence
i can hear nothing
but my own heartbeat
racing out of pace
and the noises inside my head
loud and annoying noises
tormenting and torturing 
and there are these dark clouds 
acid raining and lightning
poisoning me and burning me 
everything is so dark and ugly
i cannot breathe 
i am gasping for air
suffocation is unbearable
those invisible hands
they are strangling me inside
they are ripping my soul apart
demons inside me
raising their hell
winning their battle 
and my inside is dying
slowly in the silence
and finally
there will be nothing
but the silence
an utter silence

Saturday, November 29, 2014

कठै बरै!!!

काठमाडौंमा भर्खरै सार्क सम्मेलन सकिएको छ। १८औं सार्क सम्मेलनको तयारी सरकारले निकै जोड्तोड्को साथ गरेको थियो, यस्तो लाग्थ्यो काठमाडौंको रुप नै फेरिएको झैं। सरसफाईलाई बिशेष प्राथमिक्ता दिएको थियो, सडकहरु फराकिला पारीएको थिए, कहिलेदेखी भत्काएर राखिएको सडकहरु कालोपत्रे गरिए, सडकका पेटीहरु चिटिक्क पारीए, सडकको दाँया बाँया बत्तीहरु राखिए, भित्ताहरु रङिए, फुलहरु रोपिए, यस्तै धेरै परिवर्तन हरु द्रुत गतीमा भएको थियो।

सार्कको तयारीको समयमा भएका यस्ता परिवर्तन अथवा सरकारको पक्षबाट भएको बिकासको काम देखेर नेपाली जनताहरु दोहोरो सोचमा परेका थिए भन्ने भान हुन्छ। एकातिर काठमाडौं सफा भएको देखेर रमाउनेहरु थिए भने अर्कातिर अझै पनि सरकारलाई गाली गर्नेहरु थिए। सरकारको यो कामको प्रशंशा गर्ने भन्दा आलोचना गर्नेहरु नै धेरै छन् शायद। सार्क र काठमाडौंको रुपलाई लिएर सरकारलाई ब्यङ्ग गर्नेहरु को होड्बाजी नै चलेको थियो। कतिले त यसलाई बाध्यताको बिकास भनेर नाम दिए। 

मलाई ब्यक्तिगत रुपमा भन्नु पर्दा सार्कको नाममा भएको यो सरसफाई र थोरै बिकासको काम पनि हामी नेपालीका लागि एउटा उपलब्धी नै हो। भनिन्छ नि नहुनु मामा भन्दा कानो मामा निको। तर नेपालीहरुले उखान मात्र बनाउन जानेका छन्, व्यबहार चैं उही हो। मलाई चित्त नबुझेको कुरा चै हामी नेपालीको बानी सधैं सरकारको मुख ताकेर बस्ने अनी फेरी सरकारलाई गाली गर्ने र दोश दिने। सधैंभरी सरकारले आएर हामी हिंड्ने बाटो र हामी बस्ने शहर सफा त गर्दैन नि। हाम्रो सरकारलाई सबिंधान मात्र बनाउने जिम्मा दिंदा त अहिलेसम्म बनाएको छैन झन सधैं सफा पनि गर्दे भनिम भने त के होला? काठमाडौंलाई सफा राख्ने जिम्मेवारी त काठमाडौंबासीको पो हो त। 

नेपालीहरु साह्रै नै देशभक्त छौं भनेर घमन्ड गर्छन् र देशलाई अती नै माया गर्छौ भन्छन। कतै कसैले नेपालको बारेमा केही नराम्रो भनेको सुने भने पुत्ला जलाउदैं सडकमा उत्रिहाल्छन्। देशको लागि ज्यान दिन पनि पछी नपर्ने नेपालीहरुको मनमा राष्ट्रभक्तीको भावना ओत्प्रोत भए पनि एउटा राष्ट्रको नागरिकमा हुनुपर्ने नागरिक चेतना चै शुन्य छ भन्दा फरक नपर्ला। त्यही नागरिक चेतनाको कमी भएर नै होला जतीओटा आकासे पुल बनाए पनि बाटो काट्नुको लागि प्रयोग हुँदैनन् र शहर भरी फोहोर फाल्ने ढ्वाङहरु राखिए पनि अन्तमा फोहोर फालिन्छ जता मन लाग्छ त्यतै। जथाभाबी थुक्न नेपालीहरुलाई कसले जित्ने र हिंड्दाहिंड्दै बाटोकै छेउमा उभिएर हल्का हुन पनी कसैले सिकाउनु पर्दैन नेपालीहरुलाई। 

सार्क सम्मेलन सकिएको दुई दिन पनि भएको छैन नेपालीहरु आफ्नो नागरिक चेतना शुन्य रहेको र २१औ शताब्धीमा आएर पनि अझै असभ्य रहेको कुरालाई प्रश्ट पार्न सुरु गरिसके। सडकको बिचमा रोपिएको फुलहरु टेक्दै बाटो काट्न सुरु भएसकेको छ भने सडक छेउ फोहोरको डङुर पनि थुप्रिन थालइसकेको छ। यस्तो असभ्य कृयाकलापको फोटोहरु फेसबुक जस्तो सामाजिक सन्जालमा छ्यापछ्याप्ती आउन थालेको छ, धेरैले असभ्य र बुद्धि नभएको भन्दै त्यस्ता फोटोहरु श्यर पनि गरेका छन्। सार्क सम्मेलनको तयारी धेरै दिनसम्म नटिक्ने हल्ला उतिनै बेला चलेको थियो तर यती छिट्टै यस्तो हुन्छ भनेर चैं थाहा थिएन। यसरी त सरकारले जती बिकासको काम गरे तापनी बिनाश गर्ने त जनता नै हुन्छन। जबसम्म जनता सचेत हुँदैनन्, हाम्रो देश यस्तै नै रहिरहन्छ। 

खै असभ्यतालाई अङ्गालो हालेर बसेका अनी चेतना शुन्य भएका नेपालीहरुको बुद्धिको घैटोंमा कहिले घाम लाग्ने हो???

दैब जाने!!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Rain, Oh Rain

Rain, Oh Rain
Don't get crazy, drizzle softly
Just wash the dust away
Clean the streets and the trees
Rain, Oh Rain
Purify the evil souls
Lighten up the grieving hearts
And one more time
Wash all the tears away
Rain, Oh Rain
Give the happiness to the farmers
Help the life to survive and grow
Make the earth even more green
Quench the thirst of dry lands
Rain Oh Rain
Don't make the streets muddy
Don't flood the villages away
Don't put people in grief
Rain, Oh Rain
Just take away the pain!!!

Friday, January 31, 2014

खै नेपाल कहिले उभो लाग्ला र?

धार्मिक हिन्दूहरुले भरिएको नेपाल
खै नेपाल कहिले उभो लाग्ला र?
पित्रिसत्तत्मक् सोच् र समाज
धर्म ग्रन्थ र भगवान् पनि छैनन् अलग
नारी दमन् मत्र होइन
कुशाशन र बिसङतिको चलन
गाजा, धतुरो खाने महादेव
जसको लिङ को पनि हुन्छ पुजा
सबै भन्दा अगादि हुन्छ जसको हुन्छ पुजा
उनकै छोरा गनेशको
जसको बहान को बिचरा त्यो मुसा
गरेका छन उनैले बहु विवाह
चार मुखे ब्रह्मा भन्नु मात्रको
छोरी सरह सरस्वतीलाई पत्नी भन्ने
अनेक रूप धरेर बिश्नु संसार त जोगाउने
तर अर्काकी श्रीमतीको सतित्व लुत्ने
कृष्णजीको लीला को क् कुरा गर्ने
पत्नी, प्रेमिकाले नपुगेर १६०० गोपिनिहरु पनि चाहिने
सिता जस्ती नारीको अग्नी परिक्षा लिने
रामलाई चै चरित्रवान मान्ने
पाँच जना दाजुभाइलाई एउटै द्रोपदी रे
परे जुवादे, सकाये सबै सम्पत्ती
परेनन पछी राख्न पत्निलाई नै दाउमा
भयो उनको चीर हरन सारा सभाको सामुमा
यस्तै छ नेपालीले मान्ने हिन्दू धर्म
बालबिबाह, बहुबिबाह, गाजा र जुवातास
एस्तो धर्म मान्ने, पुरान र ग्रन्थ पढ्ने
भक्त र धार्मिक मान्छेले भरिएको देश
यस्तै सुनेर पदेर हुर्के पछी क् आशा गर्ने
अनी त नेपाल कहिले उभो लाग्ने??

P.S. No offence meant for the Hindu religion

Monday, December 30, 2013


Blessed with such a heavenly body
She is magnificently wonderful
With the sunrise till the sunset
Dressed with beautifully colored boats
Looks amazing when clad in fog
Just like dazzling diamonds in the sun
Reflecting the true self of others
But changes the shades herself
Mesmerizing beauty that she has
Hypnotizes everyone
Nobody can help oneself from
Falling in love with her splendor
Giving away the tranquilizing peace
Just the way she is sitting still...